Saturday, September 18, 2010

Independence Day - In Search of Susu, also known as Nen Nen

Words were already swirling around that there would be a parade of susu, commonly known among Chinese Malaysian as nen nen. In English, it is called breast. Yes, cold naked breast being paraded for display by the women of Papua New Guinea on Independence Day.

Now, you may ask how is this possible. You see, some of the local people would celebrate Independence Day dressed in their traditional costume, or should I say, dressed in leaves, tree barks, feathers, body paint , nylon strings and nothing else. There is nothing to cover their breasts. It is a tradition that women would dress like this during special occassons such as during traditional festivals, celebrations, welcoming of very important people, and even during beauty contests. Women dressed in this manner is nothing new. After all, newspapers feature them regularly.

And that was it. Featured in newspapers but never seen with our own eyes. So when PNG old timers told new comers like me about susu being displayed at supermarkets, the immediate thought was that these supermarkets are organising special events featuring breasts. It is an event not to be missed and we were waiting anxiously to see them with our own eyes. Excitement seen only among new comers from Malaysia (and other Asian countries), having come from an Islamic country where you have no chance of seeing breasts being displayed publicly.

So on this occasion of PNG Independence Day, which co-incidentally is also Malaysia's newest public holiday, Malaysia Day, I present to you some of the breasts displayed in public.

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